After an abortion, things are different. It can change how you think and how you relate to others — your family, your partner, and your friends.
It affects how you think about your past. It affects how you approach your future. It changes how you experience your body.
This leaves some women feeling distant from their loved ones and even from themselves.
If you are wondering whether you can ever feel like yourself again, you have come to the right place.
We understand where you are and what you are feeling — which sometimes means not even knowing how to describe it. We know that every woman’s experience is different, and we are here to listen and offer you support that can help.
You don’t have to process this alone. You can get back on track. You can be free of this weight. You can feel whole again.
What You Are Feeling Is Normal
Abortion is a life-changing event. Whatever you’re feeling is a normal response to a significant and possibly traumatic moment in your life. Every woman’s reaction to abortion is different — unique to her.
Some women report no adverse reactions following abortion. Some women report feeling relieved right after. Later, many women report emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma.
It’s important to recognize what you’re experiencing and find help to feel whole again.
To heal a wound, we must recognize that we’re wounded. To move on from an experience, we must name the experience.
We can’t begin to recover from abortion until we understand how abortion changes us.
Please be gentle with yourself and realize that your feelings are valid. We are here to listen, whether you know the words you want to say or not. We understand it can be difficult. Take your time. We are here when you are ready.
We’re here to listen
Take a moment to read through the following. Do any of these seem like your experience? We can help you.
Abortion can:
… affect our ability to trust others and ourselves.
… affect our ability to bond and make commitments.
… create holes in conversation and memory — things we don’t allow ourselves to talk or think about.
… become a secret we keep from those we love most.
… become a source of blame and manipulation for ourselves or others.
… affect our openness to the love of our friends and family, a spouse or other children.
… affect our bodies, our fertility, even our hormones.
Most of all, abortion can affect our ability to think clearly, choose wisely, and put our lives into perspective. It can leave us thinking that there is no way out of the black hole we feel we are in.
You don’t have to remain in this difficult place. And you don’t have to do it alone. We can help you find peace.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, know that you don’t have to face them alone. We can point you toward the right person to offer the help you personally need. Just talking with someone about how you’re feeling can be an important step on your journey towards healing and peace. Reach out to us. We are here to listen.
Be Gentle With Yourself
Remember to be gentle with yourself as you are processing the effects of abortion in your life. Take the time to care for yourself, ensuring you receive enough nutrition, rest, and exercise.
If you are experiencing strong emotional reactions, try some calming techniques: listen to music, breathe deeply, try yoga poses, journal, light a candle, color, take a bath, or go for a walk.
Talking about your abortion can help. Reach out to us. We’re here to listen.
Let yourself grieve.
Women who have had abortions are often denied the chance to mourn the loss.
Sometimes it’s because no one knows her secret.
Sometimes it’s because family and friends are angry or judgmental.
Sometimes it’s because the people she loves just don’t understand the pain.
People tell us we need to “be strong” and “get over it.” Or they say it’s no big deal.
They mean well, but it’s difficult for them to understand what we are going through.
We understand. We’re here to grieve with you, whether your abortion took place recently or many years ago. You’re not alone. We’re here, and we want to help.